December 8, 2023
AXA Brothers,
Current Board Members and roles
Brian Bachelder '76 - Secretary Derek Chow '84 - Vice President Enrique Colbert '96 - President Peter Gibson '86 Michael Gordon '96 - Treasurer Jeremy Presser '04 Kevin Sankey '86 - Development Chair Nolan Sankey '21 - House Liaison
Board Overview
Dartmouth has mandated the creation of Alumni Boards for all Greek organizations. The Alpha Chi Alpha Alumni Association was incorporated in 2016 and the Board was established at our annual meeting during homecoming on October 29, 2016. The purpose of the Board is: 1. To advise the current brotherhood on pertinent matters (including finances, alumni relations, general operations, and long term planning); 2. Provide 100% of the funding for scholarships for those brothers with demonstrated need, removing this from the house’s operating budget. As part of this effort, the newly formed Board has taken on the responsibility of handling all fundraising for AXA. 3. To enhance the alumni network through free planned events at reunions and homecoming and to maintain a comprehensive Alumni Directory located at for connecting with old friends, networking, and job searches. 4. To raise and administer funds for the support of scholarships and alumni activities. Our Alumni Advisor is Mac Gardner ’83 and our two Faculty Advisors are Trip Davis ’90 (Executive Director of the Office of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer) and Gail Gentes (Director of action-based learning programs and wife of President Hanlon).
Request for Volunteers
Request for Financial Support
The Alumni Association’s conservative budget, with expenses of about $10,000, includes funding scholarships (88% of the budget), providing events for alums (0% in 2020 due to Covid), and operating costs (12%). Every member of the Board and our two Advisor brothers have made pledges to this year’s operating budget. Your donation directly supports the current brothers in need as well as the Alumni events we can all enjoy. Any surplus in donations will be used to grow our endowment fund (currently about $100,000). This endowment will be used to partially fund annual expenses and will be grown over time to provide a financial safety net for the Association. Please visit to make a donation.
Fidelis et Suavis
The Board of the Alpha Chi Alpha Alumni Association